We are a non-profit cultural organization based in Lisbon. Our goal is to offer an environment for artistic growth where cultural events take place, contributing to Lisbon’s development in a creative, open and multi-cultural way.
ABOUTHow to get involved in the project for proper planning and support for Creative organisations and locations in Lisbon?
Facing eviction, Arroz Estúdios lacks a permanent home, limiting the association's potential impact. Many associations are in the same situation!
We humbly request your support in the form of provision of a permanent space. As a non-profit, Arroz Estúdios urgently needs governmental support to secure a lasting location, integrated into urban planning for their artistic community's growth.
Together, we can ensure Arroz Estúdios thrives, enriching Lisbon's cultural identity and global reputation.
Open Call
Planting A.I.R - Artists in Residence is an artist residency program run by Arroz Estúdios, where we offer working studios to artists from low-income or disadvantaged communities, providing them with the conditions to develop their work and integrate into the Arroz Estúdios community. This program also offers professional mentoring by experts in the field, as well as training in digital art, blockchain, NFTs and AI.
- Submission of applications by September 8, 2024
- Selection of candidates in the days following the close of the Open Call
- Residency period: September 16 to November 16 (2 months)
- Presentation of the work developed during the residency at the Just Rare Festival, to be held at Arroz Estúdios
For whom?
- Professional artists and creatives from all disciplines, with a history of low income, particularly with regard to lifelong training/education opportunities
- Interest in digital art and culture, blockchain, NFTs and AI (preferred, but not eliminatory)
- Need a studio to develop artistic work- Availability for 2 months of residence
04_Film screening Where Olive Trees Weep: Fundraiser for Palestine
05_live jam
06_Realltech Birthday Session with Alex TB, DRK, Zucca, Cage-B
07_SHOWCASE poodle.ag with Adriana, Anacalypto, Cauana, Lucas Bicudo, Moretz, Nevena Jeremic
12_After Party - Corrente de Ar
13_No Problem
14_COMANDANTE Discos with Ana Pacheco, George Silver, Mariana Raposo, Máquina, Nick Craddock, Pôt-pot, Ricardo Grüssl, SALTI, Sibson, Stella Z
19_live jam
20_Outer Liaisons
21_sun rice #4
22_Dubwise Matiné
26_live jam
27_Medusa by Kombava
28_Queer Lisboa - closing party